Coding, Beer, and Gøran: A Legendary Combo
An inspiring evening with Gøran Berntsen reminded us how productivity, pair programming, and pandas impact the way we code.

A few months ago, we had the pleasure of hosting a coding and beer session with Gøran Berntsen, who was later declared by one of our team as a national treasure of Norway—and we couldn’t agree more. It was an evening filled with insightful conversations, a few laughs, and some excellent perspectives on what makes coding (and coders) better.
Here are three key takeaways from the discussion:

Invest in productivity
Gøran reminded us how critical it is to have systems that make life easier for developers. Automated testing environments are a perfect example. In addition to catching bugs, they give coders the freedom to experiment and iterate fast without the constant fear of breaking things.

The value of pair programming
Pair programming isn’t just for new developers. Gøran emphasized how working closely with someone else can speed up problem-solving, catch blind spots, and spark creative solutions. Plus, it’s a great way to transfer knowledge and raise the entire team’s skill level. He has seen this used extensively and although perceived to be slower it ends up saving you time in the long run as your code gets better.

Use pandas wisely
Pandas is a fantastic tool for testing data workflows, but Gøran cautioned against using it for operational purposes in production environments. When it’s time to scale, you need solutions that have fewer dependencies.
It was an evening packed with confirmation on some familiar ideas, new perspectives, and plenty of moments that sparked deeper reflection on how we work. The photo might show a serious moment, and we do take coding seriously, but we had a lot of fun during the discussion too.
A huge thank you to Gøran for sharing his expertise!
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